On-demand Webinar

Keep your frontline employees up-to-date - with digital communication and learning


Keep your frontline employees up-to-date - with digital communication and learning

Agility and adaptability are keywords to succeed. With constant change new internal challenges arises: How does leaders prepare and involve their employees in new processes and changes to make them feel capable, confident, and comfortable in their roles?

In this webinar we will cover how you can create a smooth and positive employee experience for your frontline personnel with a focus on learning and communication.

What will you gain from this webinar
  • What requirements do employees have for their employers today - and how has that changed?
  • How can organizations meet employee requirements through effective communication and learning?
  • Examples of how businesses have used communication and learning to create a positive employee experience
Length: 45 minutes

Meet the Speakers

In this webinar we’ve teamed up with an expert within the field

Skærmbillede 2020-12-17 kl. 12.52.23
Head of Customer Relations, Learningbank

Ann-Katrine Schepler Holmberg

Ann-Katrine has a background in educational studies and knows a lot about how to preboard and onboard employees successfully in the organisation
Skærmbillede 2020-12-18 kl. 09.17.54
Head of Customer Success, Ziik

Tania Markussen

Tania is Head of Customer Success at Ziik, and she joins us in this webinar to share her views on how communication can improve processes within the organisation