Webinars med fokus på HR og L&D
Oplev de nyeste læringstendenser, og få indsigter om onboarding, digital læring, employee experience og meget mere - fra førende læringseksperter.
Sådan udvikler du læring med AI. Mød Geni, din AI Content Creator
Se webinarSådan bygger du bedre ledere med personlig ledelse
Se webinarFrom Classrooms to Screens: Adapting for Modern Learners
Explore the challenges of modern learning, the latest trends in learning technology, and how to create a learning experience that engages and empowers learners.
Se webinarUnlocking the Potential of Digital People Ecosystems
Learn how a well-designed digital ecosystem can enhance communication, streamline workflows, and improve productivity.
Se webinarHow to optimize your employee onboarding
In this webinar, Ziik and Learningbank will share what a good onboarding process looks like for hospitality.
Se webinarWhy & How to Work with D&I in an Organization
Why is Diversity & Inclusion such an important topic to work with for organizations? And how can you work with it?
Sign up for this webinar and get inspired on how you can work with it in your organization.
Nordic Learning Trends 2022
What are the biggest priorities & challenges and how can they be solved? In this webinar, we will discuss the findings from the Nordic Learning Trends Report 2022 and get Novo Nordisk’s perspective on the trends as well as some insight into how Learningbanks’ customers are working with learning in their organizations.
Se webinarHow to make remote onboarding great
Sign up for the webinar and get tips on how to transform your onboarding processes and optimize them for a remote or hybrid workplace.
Se webinarTake employee well-being to the next level
In this webinar, you'll get insights on how to improve well-being in your workplace, but also how you can improve your own well-being.
Se webinarFuture Work Life Post COVID-19
In this webinar, our hosts will provide you as an HR professional with the best hands-on tips to tackle the future, and how to create psychological well-being.
Se webinarDiversitet og inklusion på arbejdspladsen
Få indsigt i et af tidens hotteste (og vigtigste) emner. Vi kommer op og får det store perspektiv – men også ned på gulvet til den enkelte leder og medarbejder.
Se webinarFremtidens HR
Kom med, når to af branchens skarpeste tager HR som branche under kærlig behandling. For kerneopgaven skal redefineres. HR har potentialet til at blive firstmovers. Men det kræver vision, innovation og modet til at stå fast.
Se webinarHow to find the right learning platform for your company
In this webinar, we’ll give 8 steps to follow in the process of selecting the right learning platform for your company.
Se webinarFå succes med digital Pre- og Onboarding
Hvad er onboarding, hvordan du får mest ud af det, og hvorfor skal du tænke digital læring ind i din onboarding. Du får indsigt i vores tilgang til digital læring - og et eksempel på - hvordan en onboarding business case kan se ud.
Se webinarSådan får du succes med læring igennem hele medarbejderrejsen
Læring og udvikling er højt på dagsordenen hos virksomheder i dag. Årsagen til dette øgede fokus er, at læring er nøglen til vækst og en afgørende parameter for at skabe en arbejdsplads, der er i stand til effektivt at tiltrække og fastholde talent.
Brug læringspsykologi til at skabe effektiv læring og udvikling
Vi kaster et blik på, hvordan du bedst muligt omsætter nyere tendenser inden for læringspsykologien til praksis. Vi trækker begreber som micro learning, on-the-job learning og mixed learning ned i øjenhøjde - og giver praktiske eksempler.
Få succes med dit pre- og onboardingforløb
Høje forventninger er en stor del af at starte i nyt job - både for de nye medarbejdere og virksomheden. Pre- og onboarding processen handler om at opfylde eller overgå disse forventninger. Desværre mislykkedes mange pre- og onboardingforløb.
Se webinarDigital Learning Trends: The Power of Gamification
Today's employees demand learning and self-development as part of their job description. With a labour market that is changing, how do companies go about attracting and retaining employees?
Se webinarKeep your frontline employees up-to-date
With constant change new internal challenges arises: How does leaders prepare and involve their employees in new processes and changes to make them feel capable, confident, and comfortable in their roles?
Employee Onboarding Process In 2020
In this webinar, we want to share what we believe a good onboarding process looks like. We will give you a glimpse into our onboarding world and share tips and insights that you can implement in your organization.
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