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The Retention Guide
Vil du vide mere om, hvordan man får dygtige medarbejdere til at blive i virksomheden i længere tid? Dyk ned i vores Retention Guide for indsigter og tips.
Onboarding Guide 2021
Vil I gerne styrke jeres onboarding af nye medarbejdere? Så har vi det rette værktøj til jer. I vores Onboarding Guide kommer vi omkring best practice, tips og inspiration, remote onboarding, industribaserede tips og meget mere.
Nordic Learning Trends 2023
Du får indsigt i de største udfordringer og prioriteter for HR & L&D-professionelle i Norden, samt indblik i investeringer i HR-teknologi og fordelingen mellem digitale vs. fysiske læringstiltag
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Onboarding calculator
Try the calculator and see what you can save on employee onboarding.
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LMS business case PPT template
Use this template to for when you're creating a digital learning platform business case.
The Preboarding Checklist
Use this PDF checklist to get an overview of all the crucial steps in your preboarding process.
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Discover The AI Content Creator
See how you can use AI to make learning creation quick and easy for everyone in your organization. Join Arun & Alba and explore our AI Content Creator and its latest tools.
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Enablement & Knowbot: Enable people to succeed every day
To have thriving teams that stay productive and can succeed daily, they need the right tools and access to instant knowledge. In this webinar, we'll show you how to do it.
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Special Edition: Leadership Talk
How to build better leaders with personal leadership training. Get insights from leadership expert Michael Hansen in a conversation with Learningbanks' CEO Stine Schulz.
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L&D STORIES: Ross Stevenson
Our first guest in L&D Stories is Ross Stevenson, he is Chief Learning Strategist and Founder of Steal These Thoughts dedicated to transform learning and development for the modern world. In this episode you'll get Ross' insights on: What mistakes to avoid when creating learning, The go-to strategy when creating learning for audiences, What's working and what's not, How to start digitalization processes in your company and enabling learning, and much more.

Should We All Work in the Metaverse - and How?
The metaverse seems futuristic and the opportunities even more dreamy. Maybe - we will be able to handle even more tasks with our very own AI-twin and work from a sunny island, but without getting the sand into our keyboards. But – is the metaverse for all kinds of employees? Do we need huge equipment to enter the metaverse? And isn’t there a potential risk of us getting lonelier?
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What Does the Future Leader Look Like?
Globally, 80 % feel unengaged at work according to Gallup. And, if the leaders just lean back and do business, as usual, it’s quite probable that their unengaged employees will look around for new opportunities, where their leader actually takes their wellbeing seriously. So, what can leaders do to take better care of their employees? And what does it take to become the best leader possible in the future?
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