no desk, no problem

Meet Maria, today's on-the-floor worker:

  • She's busy and has limited time to learn
  • She's easily distracted, losing interest fast if not engaged
  • She solves on-the-spot problems by smartphone
  • She wants to learn right where she is
  • She needs information to be relevant and on point
  • She spends approximately 3 hours on the phone daily

How can you help Maria to stay motivated and grow in her role without making her feel overloaded (and bored)? 



✅ Timely learning through inbox, SMS, or app​

✅ Built for deskless by experienced learning designers​

✅ Focuses on high-impact, business-specific problems​

✅ Our #1 concern — usability for you & learners​

✅ Automates tasks to give back the time to humans​

✅ Active, fun & scenario-based trainings

Traditional  LMS

✖️ Pulls learners from work to sit through long courses

✖️  A one size fits all solution for all business

✖️  Functions as order taker from other business units

✖️  The #1 concern – more features, no matter the UI

✖️  Manually distributes learning

✖️  You need to be an L&D expert to produce content

How Learningbank works

Our customers say it best ❤️

“We need to train our employees to ensure our business metrics. We need to train our employees well so they know how to treat our customers, how to use the machines and have good knowledge of our products. That way we reduce unsatisfied customers, reduce customers returning purchases etc.”

- Søren Jensen, Head of Retail L&D at Specsavers

Hand in Hand. Our promise to you.

It takes more than just software to create a strong learning culture and succeed with your learning project. That´s why we are here to help you all the way.

Artboard 52Dedicated Learning & Adoption Manager 

Your Adoption Manager will listen to your needs and provide expert guidance. You're never left alone.

clockOnboarding & Implementation

We'll help you every step of the way, ensuring a swift setup and rollout.

Compliance-1Business review & ongoing support

Together, we'll assess the results and share our insights to help your business achieve its best possible outcomes.

Get a taste of what the platform can do for you
