How it Works:

  • Sign up no later than 31st of December,2024 through the form on this page 
  • We'll be selecting 24 lucky winners – one for each day of December leading up to Christmas Eve  
  • Each winner will receive a FREE copy of The Learning Playbook, delivered directly to their doorstep
  • Winners will be contact by email January the 10th, 2025.

What is The Learning Playbook?

The Learning Playbook is a go-to guide designed for you, the company hero, who knows that learning is essential for people and organizations to thrive, grow, and succeed.

The book is filled with knowledge from experts and practitioners in the field of HR and L&D. Their expertise is broken down into actionable plays and steps ready for you to adapt and apply in your own work and organization. 

Some of Those You'll Learn From

“The engagement issue is down to the fact that most L&Ds and organizations are trying to do too much without thinking about what impact they intend to have.
You need to look at your organization and say, what is most needed right now, where should we focus?” 

Christian Christian Haar Sigsgaard, VP of Learning & Development at Valtech

“You need to spend a lot of time, if it’s in the beginning, to get to know your organization[...] Know your organization and know who to go to and also know your most important stakeholders. That’s key of making L&D the success in the company.”

Allan Allan Nørgaard, HR & Academy Director, Kvik

 “If you have an e-learning course that’s about 20 minutes, I would say, maybe 3 out of 10 will complete it.[…] you’re competing with Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and everything else. That is your competitor!” 

Jaqueline Jaqueline Jensen, Learning & Development Manager, Pure Gym

Can't Wait for the Book?
Explore L&D Stories in Our Podcast

L&D Stories:
Christian Haahr Sigsgaard

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L&D Stories:
Ellie Liu

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L&D Stories:
Ross Stevenson

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